“Independent Polish Woman” – power speeches for the final of the Freedom Games

The meeting was led by a publicist, an expert in the field of social movements and women’s rights – Magda Melnyk. She proudly said that it is women who can close this year’s edition of the Freedom Games. At the beginning, a very short video was presented, in principle, a clip about “Independent Polish Woman”, her image and who she is. According to the host, this video has a clear message that is very important: “There is no independent Poland without an independent Polish woman.” The panel had the character of motivational monologues by nine speakers – women who are involved in the rights of people, especially women speaking to the public presenting different faces of public life over the years in Poland.

The first to appear was the lawyer and former First Lady of the Republic of Poland, Jolanta Kwaśniewska. In her opinion, the Freedom Games is “the most important event that takes place in our country.” She expressed joy that we spend this day together, rejoicing at Poland’s regaining independence. She also urged us not to break the story, unfortunately, as she admitted in the speeches of state authorities on the occasion of the anniversary, there were a few important names missing, including there was no mention of Aleksander Kwasniewski or Irena Sendlerowa. She summed it up with words from the song by the band Chłopcy z Placu Broni: “I love and understand freedom, I can not give up on freedom”, she also wished good luck to all the Poles, and to Polish women – that the next century belonged to them.

Another equally important speaker was Henryka Krzywonos-Strycharska, an activist in the PRL related to the opposition. As Magda Melnyk presented her – a woman who stopped the tram and joined the strikers. In her speech, she recalled her grandmother, born in 1896, who immortalized love for her homeland in poetry. A MP on behalf of the Civic Platform asked people to go to the elections next year. All together! She also mentioned the march organized by President Hanna Zdanowska, which she delighted, because in this city no one smoked a flare and shouted, only the family atmosphere prevailed. People waved their flags and smiled to each other quietly strolling.

Later, there were representatives of the young generation of feminists and social activists. It was a strong voice that women in Poland must be guaranteed better living standards and involved in political activities. Sylwia Spurek summarized her speech with the words that the system must change, not women. Speakers asked in their statements to spend time together, celebrate beautiful moments in a wise and clever manner, and above all to talk, as conversation is becoming rare in families. All the speakers unanimously said that Poland is divided for very long time and if you look at the history of our country, it is clearly visible that the divisions were always there. However, despite this, let’s try to do more things that connect and do not divide. Like walking. Hanna Lis said that first of all we need to talk with a young generation which is overdosing public television and does not see the border between facts and fiction. Each of the women had her own ten minutes to bring the viewers closer to what is happening in our country and the seriousness of the situation in Poland. At the end a Polish hymn sounded, and the whole hall sang a cappella.

Sabina Bałulis

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