Buy a day ticket for the Freedom Games
Buy a day ticket for the Freedom Games for PLN 40. Online ticket purchase is available until September 12 until 00:00!
Buy a day ticket for the Freedom Games for PLN 40. Online ticket purchase is available until September 12 until 00:00!
Buy a ticket to the Freedom Games 2019 at the price of PLN 90. Online ticket purchase is available until September 12 until 00:00!
The 6th edition of Freedom Games is scheduled for September 13-15, 2019, in in Atlas Arena (Lodz, Poland). Save the date for one of the key intellectual events in the country!
How was it? Well, if you celebrated with us, we probably do not need to remind you, although a lot happened! For those of you who were unable to join us, or those who would like to reminisce, we present an overview of the key events and a short summary of this year's edition of Freedom Games.
100 years of Polish independence is also 100 years of electoral rights of Polish women. The spirit of this event hovered over the Freedom Games.
The Freedom Games 2018 included the day of the 100th anniversary of Polish independence. It was a perfect occasion to reflect on the various dimensions of the history of Poland and Europe and to draw important conclusions for the future.
We would like to recommend your attention our newy released Summary Folder that best concludes this year's edition of Freedom Games "Battle of History".
Lesson of the year 1918, lesson of the years 1980 and 1988 showed clearly that when we act, when - instead of complaining - we believe in ourselves, we can move mountains and make impossible happen.i.
Spotkanie zostawiło widzów z zachętą do refleksji nad pamięcią, czyli zjawiskiem, którego używamy codziennie, chociaż nawet nie zdajemy sobie z tego sprawy.