Check Out Our Folder Summarizing Freedom Games 2017!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

we give you a Folder summarizing Freedom Games 2017.

Our small team has once again proved that despite limited resources it is capable of organizing an event on a European scale thus providing the residents of the city of Lodz with a great educational and cultural offer.

Freedom Games are a meeting of individuals who are curious about the world and open for new ideas. It is a gathering of renowned experts and intellectuals, a discussion about the key challenges the Western societies must face in the 21st century. Being a unique interdisciplinary event of this kind held in Poland, its main objective is to offer a creative space for exchanging ideas between the representatives of culture, business, and public life, among others. This year’s leading theme of Freedom Games focused on the influence of technology on societies, democracies, and labor market. Therefore, it was of great concern also to the city of Lodz – a hotbed of dynamically developing high-tech companies and innovative start-ups.

I would like to express my gratitude to all partners of the fourth edition of Freedom Games and all people involved in the organization of the forum. Together we create a truly extraordinary event. At this point, I would also like to invite you to cooperate with us during the forthcoming jubilee, fifth edition of Freedom Games to be held in October 2018. To mark the 100th anniversary of Poland’s independence, we shall discuss “The Battle for History”!

See you soon.

Błażej Lenkowski
President of the Board, Liberté! Foundation

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