Tomasz Lis on our story about the future.

“What’s next?” – Tomasz Lis started his speech with such a question. This question has repeatedly resonated during the lecture of the journalist, but we did not receive a simple answer.

“Rzeczpospolita is my country, and love for it is unconditional, but in no way can this love be blind. That is why it is worth asking “What for?”, “What’s next?” – these are the fundamental questions that should be asked today, now. In the present political and social narrative, we tend to procrastinate, to push it for tomorrow. At the same time, in the present reality, we can not do this. And there are politicians who, like us, citizens, can not answer this question. In the current discourse, we do not get answers to such basic questions as “What’s next?”. In the opposition, not as an emptiness in this narrative, the storytelling quoted by Lis appears – in the context of politicians, we can confidently say that politicians have the task of telling the citizens about the future Poland.

Our previous stories concerned the development of: economy, security, accessibility but also community events. The current narrative, in order to be effective, should concern education, culture, women’s rights and ecology. However, at the heart of telling stories on these topics must remain solidarity. We should be together, we should be a solidary group, guided by a shared vision of the future. Because only this vision can provide answers to all previously asked questions. However, this is an issue that we miss very much in the current political and social discourse. According to Tomasz Lis, we are currently dealing with elite, arrogant and self-satisfied governments. Whether we accept it depends only on us. That is why the next elections will be key: “We can not make such an error like the British or the Americans. We still have a chance, we are not yet in a lost position. We must start telling the future. Poland needs a story. ” Our story about the future.

Magdalena Grynczel

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